How does delivery work when I order from tMerchant?

After placing an order on tMerchant you will receive order confirmation with product details and amount. Fresh items are delivered within 24hrs, non-fresh, and non-food within 48hrs. 

What documents will supplier bring with delivery?

Supplier will bring a delivery note along with the delivery. Delivery note captures the items and quantity delivered. 

You need to acknowledge receipt of product by signing and stamping the delivery note. You may retain one copy of acknowledged delivery note.

How long does it take for my order delivery?

It will take 1 day of lead time for delivery of Fresh items and 2 days of lead time for all other product types. This lead time is applicable if you place order before 2pm. 

Orders placed after 2 pm will considered to be placed next day, hence, if any order is placed after 2pm, one day will be added to the lead time mentioned above. 

System will show you expected delivery date before you confirm the order, so you may review and confirm.

Will Suppliers deliver on Fridays?

Currently our supplies are not setup to do deliveries on Fridays and public holidays. 

How many suppliers will deliver stock to my restaurant?

Number of suppliers will be based on you ordered item category. Each product category will be delivered by a separate supplier. 

Once you place your order, you will receive an email notification, capturing how many purchase orders are placed and with how many suppliers. One order may be converted to various Purchase orders to suppliers.