I was not happy with my order? Who should I contact?

If you have any issues with your order, please feel free to give a call on this number +971 4 432 7624, or send an e-mail on customer.care@adnhcompassme.com. Alternatively, you can use the Help button on the Platform to chat with our helpdesk agent. Your complaint will be handled by our customer service team.


Can I rate or write a review about my recent order?

Yes, once you receive the delivery confirmation, you can rate the order, and the supplier you’ve ordered from. You will find an option for both rating as well as comments.

How can I contact tMerchant?

For any operational or order related issues, please reach out to the tMerchant helpdesk on customer.care@adnhcompassme.com or +971 4 432 7624 for any order related queries. For any financial queries, please reach out to tMerchant@talabat.com